Upma Rastogi: Mythological Characters and People Coming Alive in Her Paintings

Paintings by Upma Rastogi

Artists are gifted. Everyone will agree to this. Painters are savvy. They capture the world around them and the macrocosm of their imagination in colors. They give shape to expressions and emotions, yearnings and desires, realism and humdrum happenings, stories and poetry through a blend of colors and sketches.

Paintings by Upma Rastogi

And when Indian mythology, epics, and scriptures further inspire to make characters come alive, a different attribute of the artist gets noticed. All of these traits identify the artist in Upma Rastogi.

Paintings by Upma Rastogi

“I gossip with the colors and the canvas and that’s how my artwork unfurls,” she says. “Anything anywhere does inspire me to sketch. And similarly moments do. So, if I happen to visit the country side and see a couple walking together, the picture gets captured in my memory. I feel enraptured for some time. Later, this finds shape in my canvas!” she continues.

Upma Rastogi Paintings

Upma Rastogi; one of her paintings depicting Krishna and Radha

Upma Rastogi is a housewife and a mother of three. She started experimenting with colors from the age of 15. And the artist in her took birth. Gradually, her liking for colors and passion about painting turned her into a professional painter. The fusion of colors enlivened her spirits and she found happiness in it.

Paintings by Upma Rastogi

Upma Rastogi has turned many of her observations into paintings. Experimenting with colors, different bases and forms of paintings keeps her occupied. She also likes to spend time in reading about and watching different artists and their artworks. She feels there is still a lot more to learn.

Paintings by Upma Rastogi

A graduate in Arts, Upma Rastogi has given shape to over 50 paintings till date. Her genre (themes) encompasses Nature, Portraits, People, and Indian Mythological Figuratives. She uses acrylic, water, and oil colors to bring alive characters in canvas. Over the years, she has been honored with various international online art appraisal certificates.
Paintings by Upma Rastogi
Besides painting, Delhi based Upma Rastogi loves painting, cooking, crafting handicrafts, and sewing. Her husband Anil Rastogi, a businessman, her sons Rajat Rastogi, a Design and Verification Engineer and Anuj Rastogi, a Chartered Accountant support her wholeheartedly to pursue her passion. Late Nidhi Rastogi, her daughter, was her inspiration.
Paintings by Upma Rastogi
To aspiring artists, Upma Rastogi leaves a message, “Draw constantly. Learn formal perspective and figure drawing. Experiment. Your style, your preference of medium, and material will be your own journey. Survey the market and see what all tools and materials are available, which can be used for painting. Visit exhibitions and museums to meet various artists and see their artworks. Learning and observation are the keys.” 
Paintings by Upma Rastogi
Wish to buy Upma Rastogi’s paintings? Mail her at rajat.rastogi@yahoo.co.in. Visit her page MyCreations for more info and to view more of her creations. Images are subject to copyright by the artist.
Paintings by Upma Rastogi
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Manoshi Sinha is a writer, history researcher, avid heritage traveler; Author of 8 books including 'The Eighth Avatar', 'Blue Vanquisher', 'Saffron Swords'.
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