Protected: Saraswathi Rajamani: Youngest Spy to Work for Netaji Bose’s INA during Freedom Struggle
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Burma Has an Indian Past; First dynasty Founded by an Aryan Prince Vishnupur was one of the earliest Aryan settlements in ancient Burma. Also known as BeikthanoMyo, Vishnu is “Beikthano” and “Myo” is city in…
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Keeladi Excavations: 2500 Year Old Habitat as Big as Harappa Mohenjodaro! Have you heard about the excavations in Keeladi? “So much is buried in time. So many civilizations and histories are invisible. So much is…
Ahilyabai Holkar: The Brave Warrior Queen and Renovator of Hindu Temples “One of the most acclaimed paintings of Abanindranath Tagore (Nephew of Rabindranath Tagore) was of Mother India or Bharat Mata. I am sure he…
The Real Kattappa of Indian History; Loyalty Personified The movie Baahubali was a grand success and almost everybody is familiar with the characters of this magnum opus. Kattappa is portrayed in the movie as a…
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शहीद भगत सिंह, राजगुरू और सुखदेव के बारे में कुछ तथ्य जो आपको पता होना चाहिए मार्च २३। शहीद दिवस। १९३१, दिन सोमबार, समय शाम के ७.३०, जगह: लाहौर जेल। इस दिन, २४ साल के…
Vedic Hindu Roots in Burma; Sanskrit and Pali Were the Court Languages From prehistoric time, Burma attracted various races from different directions. Kshatriya (Aryan) adventurers from India were the first group to give a civilization…
विश्व के पहले शल्य चिकित्सक भारत के सुश्रुत थे उनका जन्म हज़ारों साल पहले काशी में हुआ था। वह ऋषि विश्वामित्र के पुत्र थे।उनके गुरु काशी के राजा दिवोदास थे। उन्होंने शल्य चिकित्सा और दवाइयों…